Each tub holds one full pound of fertilizer and comes with an easy-to-use measuring spoon. This is the most economical package. 1/2 tsp. per gallon will yield 1 gallon of fertilizer. Best violet food and excellent for all blooming plants including outside plants (use double strength for outdoor plants). Please note that we have a new fertilizer manufacturing company and the violet food now looks white but it turns bluish when water is added. Also is it is more powdery than previously and so dissolves better in water.
NPK 14-12-14
N - 14% NH4-N 8.7% and NO3-N 5.3%
P2O5 - 12% as polyphosphate
K2O - 14%
MgO 0.9%
Boron, Colbalt, Copper, Magnesium, Molybdaem, Zinc all contained in less than 0.01% w/w